It is important to maintain a certain degree of separation between work life and personal life. Bringing your work into your personal life can cause an unhealthy degree of stress. Answering work phone calls during dinner, staying up late to scour through emails, stewing over frustrating business encounters while picking up your kids from school, venting about work-related woes during date nights—all of these and more are bound to put stress on your relationships and interrupt your leisure time. When you’re in Kona Hawaii real estate and work-related thoughts and communications eat into your leisure time, it really isn’t leisure time anymore, is it?
It’s clear that allowing your work life to permeate your personal life can be unhealthy. But the reverse isn’t necessarily true. In fact, we have learned in our ventures in Kona Hawaii real estate that optimizing the way that you spend your personal time can actually optimize your business results. With proper self-care techniques, you can even out your stress levels. In so doing, you can become more efficient and focused. Your work interactions become easier. You feel more positive and driven.
Here are just a few personal habits you should adopt if you are looking to put your best foot forward in the world of Kona Hawaii real estate.
We all know that a proper exercise routine is critical to our health. A regular practice of cardiovascular exercise and strength training will reduce your risk of disease, increase your metabolism, and shed excess weight. If you want to extend your lifespan and feel your best, you simply must stay active.
But exercising can also benefit your success in Kona Hawaii real estate, or business in general. Almost all forms of exercise produce endorphins and other feel-good neurotransmitters, like dopamine and norepinephrine, which improve your mood and energy. Oftentimes our low energy levels can hamper our focus and lead to negative thinking. Negative thinking, in turn, may prevent you from taking valuable risks. A positive attitude will not only make interacting with other individuals easy and enjoyable. It will also help you set realistic but optimistic business goals. These feel-food endorphins can also boost alertness and concentration—great for when you’re conducting a home inspection or dealing with tricky paperwork.
Finally, exercise boosts your confidence. A lack of confidence is only second to a lack of knowledge in inhibiting the growth of your portfolio. When you have free-flowing endorphins and a strong, healthy body, you feel empowered and imperturbable. People will take you more seriously. You will have presence in a room full of people. You will approach negotiations without self-doubt. And you will feel empowered to take risks. In short, you will be more grounded, motivated, and positive than ever.
Would you be confused if we said that dinner might just be the key to success in Kona Hawaii real estate? Hear us out. Nutrition, too, heavily influences our levels of energy and confidence. A diet of refined sugar, trans fats, and additives can cause metabolic problems such as insulin resistance. A slower metabolism means lethargy, coldness, poor concentration, and depression. It can also lead to weight gain, which can hamper your confidence in interacting with others. A healthy diet of properly sourced meats, vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts, seeds, and monounsaturated fats will tame inflammation and metabolic conditions, restoring proper hormonal function and energy levels. With a clean diet comes a clear mind, and with a clear mind comes more efficiency, positivity, and success.
There are a few foods in particular that you want to incorporate into your diet for optimal business results. Foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids prevent depression and improve concentration. These foods include fatty fish, flax seeds, and chia seeds. Blueberries are dense in antioxidants that support concentration and memory. Green Tea contains a combination of calming L-Theanine and stimulating caffeine for a non-jittery energy boost. Dark chocolate, like exercise, can reduce cortisol levels and increase levels of dopamine and serotonin. Beets contain nitrates, which boost oxygen flow to the brain and sharpen concentration. Adding these foods to your daily diet will cut your stress and provide you with a clean source of energy and focus to complete your business goals.
Like proper nutrition and exercise, meditation improves mood and concentration while reducing stress. It also requires virtually no financial or material resources, and it can be practiced in a variety of ways. Even just five minutes each morning and evening can benefit your stress and energy levels
Perhaps meditation’s most valuable benefit is that it increases acceptance. We are all bound to encounter stress in our lives. It is how we handle it that sets up apart. Meditators are less prone to negative reactions. Instead, they accept reality as it is. When you stop focusing on how unhappy you are about a predicament and instead choose to accept it, you can begin to focus your energy on addressing the problem. Meditation thus means better crisis management and conflict resolution, which are often part of the negotiation process.
Finally, meditation can actually boost your immunity. That means fewer sick days and more time to focus on your Kona Hawaii real estate.
Sometimes you just need to vent. But when you unleash your negative feelings and opinions on the ones you love or live with, you only perpetuate your negativity. Your feelings are contagious. When the recipients of your woes catch on to your feelings, you merely perpetuate negativity. It is in this way that stress from the workplace tends to infect the home environment.
The solution? Journaling. When we vent to others, we are often seeking validation of our negative feelings. That doesn’t do much in the way of mitigating them. But journaling forces you to come to your own resolutions. You already know how you feel. But when you journal, you put those feelings into words. You become more analytical. It can become easier to approach a situation analytically instead of emotionally. And when you do so, it becomes easier to see a situation from different angles and, by extension, let go of your anger.
A helpful practice for those in Kona Hawaii real estate may be to keep a journal dedicated to work-related stressors. We advise that you first record your emotions, reactions, and feelings. Then examine their physical manifestation in words. Do they make sense to you? Were they warranted? When you then analyze and break down a situation after examining your own feelings, you are likely to have a better grasp on where they came from and how to mitigate them. Oftentimes anger and stress are actually born from our own insecurities and vulnerabilities—things we can address and improve.