In purchasing Kailua Kona Hawaii homes for sale, as in almost every life endeavor, efficiency is key. Sports, work, housekeeping, exercising—the value of almost every activity can be boiled down to the amount of time it consumes and the benefit that it generates.
Efficiency isn’t as simple as refining your willpower. Some people believe that increasing their efficiency is merely a matter of working faster and focusing harder, but there is only so much willpower you can exert in a day before you deplete your stores, so to speak. Optimizing your efficiency requires setting yourself up for success in a way that doesn’t require massive amounts of willpower and thereby deplete your energy. Below we discuss a few simple ways you can increase your efficiency and generate greater output while reducing the amount of time you spend working to purchase Kailua Kona Hawaii homes for sale.
As we discussed in last week’s post, your health is the foundation of all that you do, be it work-related, social, or personal. If you are not healthy, your energy, concentration, and confidence will undoubtedly suffer. Exercising, meditating, journaling, and eating brain-boosting foods can all go a long way in boosting your concentration and energy. Not only will you increase your efficiency and reduce the amount of time you need to spend working; you will also improve your overall quality of life and benefit from better sleep, skin, moods, and more.
You may be inclined to point out that improving your own health is, in fact, a time commitment. Exercising, meditating, and journaling all take time out of the day. Eating healthy tends to mean eschewing takeout and instead selecting home cooked meals. That is all true. But you can actually combine work-related practices with body-enhancing ones to fully optimize every element of your life. How? You can listen to real estate and business podcasts while cooking dinner. You can use journaling as a problem-solving outlet for business-related conflicts. And you can even exercise while reading and doing paperwork to buy Kailua Kona Hawaii homes for sale. Stair steppers and recumbent bikes provide you balance and free hands to do work, while treadmills and elliptical machines are great for reading or listening to podcasts.
Getting good rest and taking steps to reduce your stress levels can go a long way in maximizing your efficiency. But the simple fact is that you aren’t going to be efficient working on tasks that require skills or talents you do not possess. Oftentimes investors make the mistake of trying to become experts in every aspect of the field. They try to master house flipping and land-lording at the same time, spending far more time on learning than they do on actively generating results. They may also insist on “saving money” and opt to do website work and blogging on their own instead of outsourcing.
The reason that people fail to optimize their resource allotment is because they don’t consider time a resource. Sure, if you do your own web design and blogging, you can save the money you would have paid to outsource that work. But consider that it might take you twice as long to complete those tasks as it would take a seasoned professional. Insofar as time is money, you are wasting your resources.
Treating time as a resource is key to understanding why you should delegate and how you should prioritize your own personal tasks. A great way to do that is to determine how much you want to make in a year and how much you plan to work. Break those numbers down into an hourly wage. It doesn’t make sense to do tasks that fall below that value. If you outsource that task instead, you reap greater value from the hour that you work on specialized tasks than you would if you had chosen not to outsource. You also have more time to devote to looking for Kailua Kona homes for sale.
Consider that website task is worth $100 and you spend 5 hours on it. That is an aggregate of $20 worth of value in output per hour. But say you outsource that task to a blogger who can complete it in two hours, and you spend those 5 hours on other tasks that you are specialized in. Because you are better at those tasks, we can assume they are worth more per hour—say, $30. You make $150 and spend $100 on the blog, making $50 more than you would if you had done the task yourself. Further, the aggregate value output her hour of work is higher. $250 of work distributed over 7 hours is $35.71 an hour. Thus, you make more money and reap more value per hour of your own and your provider’s work by outsourcing.
Perhaps the larger takeaway of this theoretical example is that it is more practical to refine your existing skills than to develop new ones. Sure, obtaining new skills is important. A new investor is going to have to develop multiple skills sets, from negotiating to inspecting, repairing and more. But at a certain point, constantly acquiring new skills begins to rob you of your time utilizing your existing ones. This is most often true for individuals looking to start website work or blogging. Taking time to master these skills takes a lot of work—perhaps more than it is worth. Outsourcing these tasks will give you the time to utilize the skills you have already worked to cultivate.
There is a critical balance that investors must seek to reach between idealizing and acting. Imagining, dreaming, scheming, planning—all of these are essential in crafting your vision and determining the path to reach them. But spending too much time idealizing means you’ll be doing more thinking than acting. It doesn’t do to make the vision and the steps to get there pristinely specific and methodical. Things rarely unfold in reality the way that they do in our minds. On the contrary, though, diving in without a plan is a huge financial risk.
Striking a balance between idealizing and acting is one of the greatest keys to success. Whereas spending time idealizing reduces time available to be efficient, and acting without forethought produces inefficient results, acting with a general plan can achieve positive results quickly. At Craft, we like to say that creating a path and general objectives are more valuable than strict planning. When you play at least a little bit of your process “by ear,” so to speak, you continue on the path to your goal while also remaining alert to new opportunities and possibilities.